Essential Next Steps

Website Redesign for an Austin Small Business

Leah and Jon started their business over 4 years ago, focusing on senior adult moves in Austin, Texas. This year, they’ve expanded their service offerings and came to us for a refreshed brand and website. We were more than happy to move them from WordPress to Squarespace, making it easy for them to manage their site themselves and not have to worry about doing back-end updates each month or paying someone for website maintenance.

We began the project by refreshing and modernizing their logo, updating their color palette, and creating a brand that will carry them well for years to come.


Modern Website Redesign

We redesigned the Essential Next Steps website with a focus on simplicity and clarity to showcase their expanded service offerings and we also ported over Leah’s blog so she can continue to post about her experiences as a wife, daughter, and concierge move manager.


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