How to Fix Mailchimp Form Submission Errors in Squarespace

“You have an unsaved form submission” email.

If you received an email like the one below, here are 3 steps you should take:


1. Connect your Squarespace site from Mailchimp

Log into Mailchimp. Then from the Account Name dropdown menu, select “Connected Sites.”


On the Connected Sites page, scroll down to Website Builder, then select Squarespace:


Enter your website URL:, select an Mailchimp audience to connect (make sure this is the same audience you’ve chosen on your Squarespace form) , then click Get Code.

Copy the code from the Mailchimp code block.

Next, log into your Squarespace website. Go to Settings > Advanced > Code Injection. Then paste the provided code into the Footer box.

Test out your Newsletter form on your live site. Your submission should now go through and be added to your Mailchimp mailing list.

2. Still having problems?

Check to see if the emails are real. You will get an error email from Squarespace if Mailchimp recognizes an email as spam and doesn’t add it to your mailing list. You can check to see if an email is real at CleanTalk. In this case, it’s safe to ignore those error emails.

If this isn’t the case, try disconnecting Mailchimp from your Newsletter form. Save the page. Then go back in and reconnect and save. Still having problems? Set up a new Audience in Mailchimp then connect that new audience to your Newsletter form. Still not working? Now it’s time to get Squarespace Support involved. If the good folks at Squarespace can’t help your best bet is to use a Code Block in Squarespace to embed a Mailchimp Signup Form directly. Or do what I did and switch to Squarespace Campaigns.

3. Add a backup storage method to your Newsletter Block on Squarespace.

I always recommend adding a Google Sheet as a backup storage method to every form block. If a connection breaks down and you stop receiving form email submissions (or stop having subscribers added to your mailing list), you can look here to see what you’ve missed.

Log into your site on Squarespace. Then, from your Newsletter (or any Form) Block, click edit and then select the Storage tab.


From there, click Connect other services then choose Google Drive. You’ll be asked to log into your Google account and allow Squarespace access. After you grant access, name your spreadsheet something unique like Squarespace Footer Newsletter. Then Apply your changes, and then Save the Content Block that contains your form.

Test out the connection by signing up with a new email address. Then in a new browser window, log into your Google Drive > Google Sheets. You’ll see a new document there with the name you gave it, and your email submission should be inside that document.

I like having redundancies, so I connect a Google Sheet backup to each one of my website forms.


While this step isn’t specific to Mailchimp, it should provide some peace of mind - even if your newsletter or form submissions don’t make it to your mailing list or email inbox, you have a backup of those submissions in a Google Drive spreadsheet.

Would you like to learn how to send out emails in Squarespace instead of Mailcimp?
Use code SAVE20 for 20% off the Squarespace Email Campaigns Course.


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