2024 Year in Review of my Squarespace Web Design Business

Squarespace Web Design 2024 year in review

Another year has flown by, and it's time for my annual behind-the-scenes peek into my Squarespace web design business! This marks six years of being a full-time solopreneur, and 2024 brought some exciting changes and growth.

2024 started off rough if I’m honest. In early January, I suffered a hand injury (dog + leash + ouch) and coudn’t do much work for about 6 weeks and then had to take it easy on my hand after that. I turned away projects that sounded great, but in the end, it freed up time and space for me to concentrate on growing my YouTube channel. And if you remember from last year’s wrapup post, I was planning to drastically cut back my Designer for a Day® bookings for the year, so that definitely happened!

The rest of the year, I worked on average 25-30 hours a week for 3 weeks out of each month. The other week was sometimes travel, sometimes just taking a break, and sometimes a normal work week. One of the best things about traveling? Meeting up with other Squarespace Designers. Huge thanks to Eleanor Mayrhofer, Diane Whiddon, and Kelsey Gilbert-Kreiling who all welcomed me to their towns this year!

To balance out the rough start, 2024 ended with great custom project, a trip to Disney World, and a new grand-niece I get to spoil rotten.

Disclosure: Some links in this post are affiliate links. If you click through and pay for a product, I’ll be compensated at no cost to you.

💰 Revenue Streams for a Squarespace Designer

In 2024, I had 4 main revenue streams (Paid Content was new this year!):

And here’s how those made up my total revenue:

This was a pretty similar pie chart to 2023, and my income was overall about the same as 2023. But I worked less, so WIN.

Now let’s dive into each of those buckets and see how the year shook out.

↕️ 1:1 Work - Squarespace Web Design

Squarespace web design for an Dallas-based therapy practice

  • Custom Web Design: 7 websites, 1 more than last year
    I feel like 6-7 a year is the right pace for me right now. I had intended to just do 5 this year, but I had a some dream clients that I wanted to work with. I think my favorite design this year was for Behavioral Health Dallas, but it was hard to pick just one.

  • Template Buildouts: 2 websites, same as last year
    These were honestly super easy and I want to do more of them in the future. Perfect for the “I’ll know it when I see it” crowd since they see exactly what they are getting before the build.

  • Designer for a Day®: 10 sessions, down from 26 last year
    I revamped the structure a bit for these so they aren’t as taxing, but they are still pretty exhausting! I think no more than 12 in a year is a good number for me. And for a few projects I paired two days together to give the clients a real glow up - Roots and Rays Counseling was one and just a true delight.

  • Squarespace Help: 68 sessions, 9 fewer than last year
    Some of these were past custom or DfaD clients and others were people who found me on Google. These are one-hour Zoom screen-shares where we talk strategy or jump in and work together to make changes on the client’s website. For the first part of 2024, I only offered these to past clients and then opened them up after March to anyone.

Even though I did 7 custom builds, I did less 1:1 work overall in 2024 and it felt good. I’d like to up the number of template buildouts for 2025, do 5-6 custom builds and maybe 5-10 Designer for a Day sessions.

↕️ Affiliate Income

Affiliate income held steady from last year and it’s nice to see work I’ve done in the past on blog posts and YouTube videos continuing to pay off. A nice chunk of this was Squarespace referral payments, so if you haven’t joined Squarespace Circle yet and are building websites, don’t wait.

⬆️ Course & Squarespace Template Sales

This number was up from 2023 in large part to the 150+ designers who purchased my Starter Template for Squarespace Designers (if you were one of those, thank you!). I launched this in August after moving my digital products to Podia and I’ve gotten lovely feedback about how much time it’s saving folks.

What I Enjoyed Working on the Most

I loved working on the Starter Template! I workshopped this with some trusted designer friends and they were so encouraging and helped make it even better. I also wrapped up the year with a custom build for a local tax law firm and they were the most delightful clients, so ending on a high note was lovely.

✍️ Squarespace & Web Design Content Creation

This was another big year for content, but in 2024 I mainly focused on YouTube. I’m starting to see it paying off, as I’m now getting inquiries from folks who found me there.

⚫️ Squarespace Circle

My highlight of the year was sharing the Squarespace Circle Day stage with Will Myers. We talked about 7 ways to save time as Squarespace Designers and had so much fun!

I also wrote 5 blog posts for the Squarespace Circle blog, on blogging, getting paid on time, and more.


Will Myers and I continued recording Somewhat Useful, a podcast for digital entrepreneurs. We really enjoy this and had some stellar guests join us in 2024. We hope you find it somewhat useful. 😉

And I was a guest on Phil Pallen’s Brand Therapy.

👩🏼‍💻 christyprice.com Blog

My blog is what has helped the most with SEO, showing my expertise, and leading to client bookings and affiliate sales. So it’s responsible for most of my income. (And, yes, you can find out lots more about HOW I do that in my Make Money with your Blog course.)

In 2024, I shared 14 blog posts (and some of these were updated older posts). My most-visited posts published this year were:

According to Plausible Analytics, I had 173k page views in 2024, down from 2023 by quite a bit. After some sleuthing, I realized this is mostly because blog posts that were my main traffic drivers are now showing up in the AI overview at the top of Google Search. So Google is pulling the info from my site to answer the question so people aren’t clicking through to my site. I saw the writing on the wall with this, so my goal for 2024 was to work on showing up on another search engine…

🎥 YouTube Videos

In 2024, I posted 70 YouTube videos (up from just 9 the previous year). My most popular was Six Squarespace Design Hacks.

And my channel grew from 1,442 to 2,437 subscribers. I’m still working on getting enough watch hours in the past 365 days to monetize my channel, but hopefully I’ll get there in 2025.

📸 Instagram

I pretty much gave up on Instagram as any kind of real marketing strategy, but I still use it for fun! You can follow me @christypricewebdesign. I share Squarespace tips, sales, and little glimpses into my real life. In 2024, I set up a stationary 9-grid at the top of my feed and I’ve gotten some great feedback. Here’s the template I used.

❇️ Free Webinars

In 2024, I hosted 8 free webinars. You can still register and view the recordings:

I hosted these on Crowdcast, which I love. The chat is separate from the Q&A area, which lets you quickly see/upvote questions and in the recordings you can jump to the exact question you’d like to explore.

📧 Email List

In 2023 I moved from MailerLite to ConvertKit. This was super labor intensive and you would have thought I would have learned my lesson, but this year I moved from ConvertKit to Podia. I ended 2024 with 3,000 subscribers and I hope I never have to change email systems again.

✨ MVP courses, code, and apps of 2024 for Squarespace Web Designers

I thought it would be fun to do another roundup of my favorite courses, plugins, and apps of the year. I’ve narrowed it down to just the top 3 in each category which was really challenging - especially in the code and apps sections!

Favorite Courses / Memberships of 2024

Here were the three most helpful courses/memberships of 2024 for my business:

  1. Kerstin Martin’s Calm Business subscription. It was just for 2024, but she has just launched her Calm Business Foundation course which I can’t recommend enough if you are new in business.

  2. Will Myer’s Code Curious Membership. This just keeps getting better and better. If you are a Squarespace Designer and want an easy library of custom code to add to your site, and a supportive Slack Community, this is the place for you. And it’s only $15/month.

  3. Louise Henry’s Passive Profit Accelerator. This was the biggest ticket course I invested in this year and it was exactly what I needed. I followed these steps as I was working on The Web Designer’s Playbook and if you considering launching a course this might be for you too.

+ I bought this years ago, but it was updated in 2024 so I want to give a shout out to Kate Scott’s Scale with Templates course. I thought it was great when she rolled it out and now it’s even better! If you are thinking about selling website templates check it out.

Favorite Code solutions in 2024

  1. Will Myer’s Mega Menu got a glow up this year and it’s one I use often. Great for more complex site headers. Use code CHRISTYPRICE to save 10%.

  2. Animated Scrolling Logos from Chris Schwartz-Edmisten. I used this on at least 5 projects this year and it recently got an update too. Perfect for clients that have lots of logos for social proof. Use code christyprice to save 10%.

  3. [TIE] Ghost Plugins free library of over 500 plugins for Squarespace. And Becca’s tutorials at Inside the Square.

Favorite Apps in 2024

  1. RightBlogger. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Seriously, don’t miss this one!
    This has changed the game for me in terms of content creation. I start with a YouTube video, then RightBlogger will give me a description with timestamps, a full blog post (that references internal links!), a LinkedIn post, and basically anything else I want. If you are a content creator, you’ll want to get this.

  2. Podia.
    I moved all my digital products and email marketing here and there were some bumps in the road, but now that everything is there it’s so much easier. I love how nicely they’ve set things up from a user perspective. It’s just delightful and makes me want to create more products AND I actually enjoy sending out emails.

  3. Claude.
    My AI tool of choice. I think of Claude as my Virtual Assistant. She’s not great at everything, but she saves me a ton of time on tasks that I used to have to do manually.

🗓 The Wrap-Up

In 2024, I made about the same income while working overall less than in 2023. Pretty happy about that.

In 2025, I want to continue to focus on growing my YouTube channel and launching my new signature course, The Web Designer’s Playbook.

I’m so grateful to have this career that I love and, if you are reading this, I’m thankful to you for following along! I wish you a wonderful, FUN 2025. 🎉


Squarespace Plugins to Level Up your Website in 2025


2025 Squarespace Blog Wish List: Features I’d Love to See